The Simon Wiesenthal Center supports Donald Trump's idea of redeveloping Gaza after removing those who taught its residents to kill - and perhaps removing the residents...
Donald Trump delivered an informatl SOTU (State of the Union) address, a rousing speech that Democrat only exposed themselves by failing, indeed refusing, to appreciate as...
The Democrats are turning on their own establishment, even to primarying their former Speaker of the House. The country rejected the left, but the left will...
The Democratic Republic of the Congo received $1.3 billion in foreign aid from USAID - and spent it on lavish travel for its leaders.
The tax and spend cycle of government has been political theater to rob the people. Now the people know it, and are acting.
The Greater Idaho Movement has been trying to move the Oregon-Idaho border for decades. Now an Eastern Oregonian legislator has introduced a bill to study the...
China bet big on securing rare earth elements and other materials to build battery-powered electric vehicles and solar panels - while not abandoning fossil fuels at...
J. D. Vance went to the Munich Security Conference and scolded its attendees for imposing censorship and creating authoritarian conditions in their countries - and creating...
Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) understands that union workers will keep voting Republican only if Republicans meet them where they live. So he is introducing pro-union legislation.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funds leftist media, and has funded Anthony Fauci's gain-of-function research, election interference in at least two countries, and...