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Black America, Can We Talk About ‘Uncle Tom’ and ‘Aunt Tammy’?

Black Americans enslave themselves all over again by sticking with Democrats and continuing to hurl insults at independent thinkers.



The Reverend Al Sharpton

I am a fan of freedom of thought, not dependency of thought. What about you?

Black Americans, listen up!

You’ve been churched that true blackness is a political expression. That to be black is to be a Democrat.

Am I wrong? And if I’m right, should anyone think that this serves black people’s best interests?

No, it doesn’t. The iron law of politics is that which is taken for granted is never cared for.

You know what you will be called if you try to escape the mental and political guardrails of the brother’s keeper party and plantation. You will be called an “Uncle Tom” or “Aunt Tammy.” A traitor to your race. A servant to the power that is an enemy to his own.


It’s the deepest of insults. Being called an Uncle Tom is the worst thing a black person can say to another. It’s worse than being called the N-word by a white person who knows what he is saying and means it.

It’s meant to ostracize not only those who step outside the plantation and its orthodoxy. It also makes clear to others who might be thinking it’s time to think and vote outside the lines to get back in line, to keep their mouths and minds shut, and to stay on the plantation, or else.

Sadly, it’s more likely an “Uncle Tom” or “Aunt Tammy” is the type of man and woman worth checking out. And the person saying it loudly might better fit the description.

“Uncle Tom” as a liberator

This mindset is re-enslaving your people. It needs to end. For your sake and the sake of our country.

We are right to worry about black bodies. But black bodies will continue to suffer until black souls liberate themselves for their present, brother’s keeper care.


How is the new, “new normal” of the brother’s keeper plantation working out for you and yours? What are your lying eyes showing you?

Joe Biden promised in 2020 to return America to “normal.” He was elected on that promise. How is his restoration of “normalcy” working out for you and yours? Are you better off personally? Is the nation better off as a whole? Are black communities safer?

Hell, no!

Progressive policies are incentivizing the young to act violently. Defund the police? Sure. Then, watch as organized gangs rob department stores in broad daylight and watch as neighborhood pharmacies lock up all their merchandise — assuming they don’t close entirely.

Instead of jailing bad guys and defending law and order, their policies are turning black and brown communities into prisons for the innocent.


The public schools are serving you ill

Of course, public schools are a subsidiary of the Democratic Party. Your kids and their future — as well as their moral development — are in their hands. How well is that monopoly serving your kids? Are they being schooled for success? Or something else?

Schools that were already hanging on the margins collapsed after COVID-19. Fourth grade and eighth grade math and reading scores plummeted on the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress, also known as “the Nation’s Report Card.” The “achievement gap” that taxpayers have spent tens of billions of dollars to close is as wide as ever.

Here is a sad fact to wrap your heads around. People who build prisons look at the failure rate of the fourth grade reading exam to get a read on how many prison beds they’ll need. Most of those kids who fail and are headed for jail are black and brown.

Yet, black Americans continue to vote for a party that systemically and disparately underserves their children. We all know that charter schools work in the very communities where failure is concentrated. A vote for the Democratic Party is a vote against the schools that could empower your kids.

Incentives matter. Give people a $6,000 tax credit to buy a Tesla, and you’ll sell more electric cars. Reward bad behavior and failure, and you will get more of it. It’s just common sense. But progressive sense is the opposite of common sense.


Progressive dreams are black and brown nightmares

We are seeing in real time, and for a long time, that progressive dreams are black and brown nightmares.

The Democratic Party has done its best to undermine the black family and work ethic.

It has turned a safety net into a hammock designed to create intergenerational poverty.

Why would your purported representatives do this to you? In moments like this, it’s best to ask simply, “Who benefits?”

My take is that the intergenerational continuation of your people’s nightmare feeds your keepers’ dreams. That your people’s misery serves the interest of your keepers. You are being used to sustain an idea that fuels itself on your misery. You have been subjected to intergenerational systemic racism, done by the hand of a brother’s keeper state, and it has left its mark on all those who are under its “care.” You are being held down on purpose.


This hustle serves a few, not the many. In case you haven’t noticed, the chronic care of your people is a big-jobs program for an ever-growing keeper class.

How does Al Sharpton do so well, while you do not?

A notable example: Al Sharpton has climbed the latter of respectability. He has carried your message to the mainstream, and, by every metric, he has done well for himself in doing so. Has Reverend Al’s good fortune trickled down to you? To ask that question is to answer it.

Might the folks — who are quick to dismiss as “Uncle Tom” anyone proposing a better way — have a motivation outside of your best interest for doing so? Might they be the real Uncle Toms and Aunt Tammys?

Give this thought a week in your head.

This article was originally published by The Blaze and made available via RealClearWire.

Founder and Editor at | + posts

Guy Shepherd is founder and editor of Planned Man.


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