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Children trafficked in America

The Department of Homeland Security admits losing track of more than 320,000 dhildren, all likely fallen victim to child traffickers.



Children trafficked in America

The last forty-eight hours have seen tragic, but undeniable, confirmation of a phenomenon the political left has consistently denied. Ever since Sound of Freedom premiered on July 4, 2023, detractors have consistently denied that child trafficking networks even existed. They have denied more ferociously the notion that these trafficking networks have nodes on American soil. Now, thanks to independent investigative journalists, we have conclusive proof of both. Children, largely from Latin America, are landing in the hands of those wishing to exploit them, for labor and sex.

Homeland Security lost track of more than 320,000 children

Thomas Hicks of the independent journalism organ calling itself Muckraker broke the story two days ago (September 25). He began with a Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General “Management Alert” having this dire title:

ICE Cannot Monitor All Unaccompanied Migrant Children Released from DHS and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Custody

This 18-page document tells a tale of mismanagement, carelessness, oversight of the negative kind, and procedural impediments. In sum, Immigration and Customs Enforcement is supposed to track unaccompanied migrant children (Ucs) and handle their immigration cases. But of course these children never appear for scheduled court hearings. That’s because the entire immigration hearing system is a sick joke, but this report doesn’t cover that. But it does admit that hundreds of thousands of children have been lost. The report recommends that ICE put systems in place to start tracking children who don’t show up. But that won’t help the children who already have vanished from official \eyes.

Mr. Hicks gives this dire summary:

Per the DHS’ August 19th announcement, 291,000 of the 300,000 unaccounted-for children were released into the United States without a scheduled court date, while another 32,000, who were given court dates, never showed up for their scheduled court appearance.

But that report doesn’t tell the whole story. In June, according to Hicks, someone inside the Department of Health and Human Services shared names and addresses for 8,000 of these missing children. Eight thousand is less than two and a half percent of 323,000, but it’s a start. Muckraker staff decided to track those 8,000 children on their own, if they could.


Tragic findings – and a hope-offering contact

The Muckraker article has photographs to back up their findings. They include an abandoned house where two boys, aged 7 and 10, simply disappeared. They also include a partially obscured photo of one of the lucky ones: a girl who experienced an Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) holding facility in Pomona, California – and lived to tell the tale.

[S]he encountered children who would cry because they were being sent to a sponsor who they did not know. [She] explained how children are woken up at 3 o’clock in the morning taken from the holding facility to their sponsors without the opportunity to say goodbye to their friends. [She] also told us about a friend of hers who was with her at the Pomona, California facility. [She] and her friend had agreed to contact each other on Facebook once they were placed safely with their sponsors. Unfortunately, [she] never heard from her friend again. It is unclear what the fate of her friend ultimately was.

At least this girl ended up with a truly safe sponsor, as far as Hicks and Muckraker know. Other children they tried to track were not so lucky.

Hicks described a CIA contractor, tasked to convey unaccompanied children to new sponsors often halfway across the country. Most of the children end up in Texas, California and Florida – 10,000 children per State per year. Some of the sponsors are not qualified – they are illegal aliens themselves. Furthermore, different illegal sponsors often use the same home addresses. One such address, a two-bedroom ranch-style house in Florida, housed 13 such children having four different adult “sponsors.”

We were told that this trafficking case had been reported to HSI, FBI, and HHS, but after sitting on the case for years, none of these agencies made any progress on it.

We were able to track down a brother and sister from Guatemala,who had been delivered to the trafficking ring in Bonita Springs Florida a few years prior. They claimed to have a debt over their head that [Subject One] and [Subject Two] have been using to extort them for years and explained a labor trafficking system that targets unaccompanied alien children.

This story has a single comment, probably one of the most useful comments any story like that ever receives:

IF you have child location data of active trafficking rings you are required by law to submit it to a police agency. If you possess broad based data, involving multiple States, sensitive child identity information and witness of criminal agency, facility locations you may need additional assistance.

Please reach out to Veterans 4 Child Rescue for consultancy on a project to rescue child cartel debtors, enslaved and trafficked children for incidental assistance with your witness reporting.

The commenter left this link:


That link leads to a request-for-contact form for use by Law Enforcement Officers . Muckraker is an organization of journalists, not private investigators. Why Veterans 4 Child Rescue would refer them to an LEO contact form, is not clear. However, Veterans 4 Child Rescue has accumulated good to excellent ratings at three separate charity rating agencies. They are Charity Navigator, Guidestar, and Great Nonprofits.

Further commentary

Drew Hernandez, who has his own channel on Rumble, dropped an 11-minute video on The Gateway Pundit’s channel describing findings on this and other subjects. In the description, he shared one more finding:

One of the most chilling findings are that most of these migrant children are begging to be sent back to their home countries, yet the federal U.S. government sends them to unvetted and unfamiliar sponsors against their own will. Yes, this has been confirmed to be true.

From when Border Patrol receives the unaccompanied minors, to when they are processed in the United States, then shipped to an unvetted sponsor in the United States against their will, these children are disappearing forever never to be seen from or heard from ever again.

In the video itself, Drew Hernandez mentioned a movie that described the problem. That movie is, of course, Sound of Freedom, produced by Eduardo Verástegui, directed by Alejandro Monteverde; with Jim Caviezel, Mira Sorvino, and Bill Camp; Santa Fe Productions/Angel Studios, released July 4, 2023. Recall that Disney, in buying the distribution rights along with their purchase of Twentieth-Century/Fox Pictures, shelved this picture. Santa Fe Productions managed to redeem their distribution rights, then signed a deal with Angel Studios. That film ended up out-grossing Disney’s big-name release, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, toward the end of its run, in domestic sales.

Recall also that many people tried several dirty tricks to hurt sales and viewership – ultimately to no avail. While they were doing that, they consistently denied the events of that movie. “Conspiracy theories!” they cried.

Except that if you don’t want anyone to accuse you of conspiracy, then don’t conspire! Aside from the traffickers themselves, the Biden-Harris administration lost 323,000 children to them on their watch.


And about those adult illegal immigrant sponsors: don’t imagine that they are safe. Not with these numbers:

No matter your politics, these new numbers are shocking. Of the 7 million migrants that ICE released while their cases are being processed, 663,000 have criminal histories, 13,000 were convicted of homicide, 16,000 of sexual assault, and 1,845 face homicide charges.

Are anyone’s children safe?

Obviously the worst revelation here is that the United States government is even less able to protect children, whom adults bring into this country for nefarious purposes, than the Sound of Freedom film might have suggested. But one must ask whether children lawfully resident in this country are safe. How many crimes have those nearly 700,000 migrants with criminal histories and convictions, actually committed? And who brought those children into this country, and how did they acquire them?

One may legitimately question whether Joe Biden or Kamala Harris even care what happens to anyone’s children. They say they care, and paint lurid pictures (actually false) of Donald Trump “caging” children on his watch. But in fact Trump tried hard to stop child trafficking. That might be one reason why the elites have tried at least twice, and maybe three, four, or five times, to kill him. (The latest rumor mentions nine surface-to-air missiles smuggled into this country – to bring down Trump’s campaign aircraft.)

In fact Trump addressed Kamala Harris’ sorry record on non-protection of children in a press conference yesterday, at Trump Tower.

All of which to say that the election of Donald Trump is more urgent than ever – literally, for the sake of the children.

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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