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The Big Cheat – how it could happen

Kamala Harris cannot win honestly, so if she’s to win at all, it will be by the Big Cheat. Here is how that might happen.



The Big Cheat – how it could happen

Yesterday CNAV, in commenting on Kamala Harris’ disastrous Fox News interview, also said Harris’ only alternative now was to cheat. Let us revise that slightly. The only alternative for the Deep State, the World Economic Forum, and the BlackRock-Vanguard-State Street Axis, is the Big Cheat. PolyMarket, “The World’s Largest Prediction Market,” predicts that Donald J. Trump will win the Election of 2024, 61% to 34%. They base that on current polling, huge swings in “corporate polls” toward Trump, and reaction to the interview. But they assume absolute election integrity, or at least do not anticipate enough election fraud to sway the election. Today CNAV asks: what if the PolyMarket polymaths are wrong, and The Big Cheat is not only possible, but planned? CNAV seeks here to establish the Three Elements of Crime: Motive, Opportunity, and Means.

Motives for the Big Cheat

CNAV makes no bones about naming those (besides the Democratic Party itself) having a motive for The Big Cheat. This does not include the vendors of electronic voting machines. If they are at all involved in any Big Cheat, they’ll be doing what bigger players tell them to do. Besides which, they are not the only nexus of the Big Cheat. They might not even be as important as election-integrity activists fear. (But J. Alex Halderman famously demonstrated – in open court – how easily one could use a particular EVM to deceive voters.)

So who are these Big Players? Start with the World Economic Forum. They want a world with many fewer people – no more than half a million, according to the now-destroyed Georgia Guidestones. Donald Trump not only wants a thriving, fruitful and multiplicative human race, but he has forged an alliance with:

  1. Elon Musk, who has been sounding an alarm about population collapse for a few years, and
  2. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who accuses certain industries of chronically poisoning their customers.

Naturally the WEF wants Donald Trump out of the way.

The Deep State, which could be even older and go back to Alexander Hamilton, want control, to preserve their power. They have been a Shadow Oligarchy ever since Hamilton became Secretary of the Treasury.

BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street are the largest “Institutional Investors.” As such they are the investment bankers of the other two, and act to further their agenda.


More specific motives

Lately several events have taken place that would galvanize anyone bent on a Big Cheat to action. These actors, having thoroughly infiltrated the Democratic Party long ago, forced Joe Biden out of the race. This happened after his disastrous debate with Trump. At first, Kamala Harris recovered all the ground Biden had lost, and then some.

But, as CNAV said yesterday, she has made one unforced error after another, of which the interview was the latest. In fear of making another faux pas, she declined to attend the annual Al Smith Dinner, traditional for Presidential candidates. Donald Trump attended, and by all accounts became the Life of the Party.

(Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit shared a full transcript.)Kamala Harris chickened out, and the people don’t appreciate it.

The Democrats know she’s a weak candidate, and revealed that at Ethel Skakel Kennedy’s memorial service Wednesday afternoon (October 16). Joe Biden and Barack Obama stood next to one another and exchanged a few words. Eager to know what words, The New York Post brought in a forensic lip reader to transcribe. Herewith the transcript:

Obama to Biden: It’s important that we have some time together.

And the key exchange:


Biden: She’s not as strong as me.

Obama: I know. That’s true. We have time.

Biden: Yeah, we’ll get it in time.

At that point, or shortly thereafter, Bill Clinton pointed out that they were on camera. The lip reader said the words were not heated, but mutually supportive. Which begs the question: time for what?

Opportunities for the Big Cheat

Opportunity is not the same as proof, but it is a vulnerability and one of the easiest things to deny a potential bad actor. The COVID-19 “pandemic” (or “plandemic”) presented an unprecedented opportunity for the most important element of the Big Cheat in 2020. That opportunity was mail-in absentee voting. Absolutely every voter in some jurisdictions got an absentee ballot in the mail, and no one even tried to maintain a chain of custody. Knowing this, someone set up an operation to register people to vote out of big-box stores, empty warehouses, run-down hotels, and the like. That operation also included infiltrating the staffs of “senior homes” and setting up absentee-voting clinics for the befuddled residents. “Ballot harvesters” also went door-to-door, collecting absentee ballots and offering to fill them out. (Intercepting even the semi-private United States mail is much more difficult.)

Yesterday came a demonstration of what could happen at a “voting clinic” in a senior home, or a senior’s house. A volunteer holds the voter’s hand and moves it to mark and sign the ballot.

That’s how one does it if the voter is alive and accessible. If the voter is not accessible – especially if the voter is dead – the solution is to forge the signature. That proves the value of actions in Texas and other states to de-register voters who have died or moved out-of-State.

The Virginia case

States also have a problem with noncitizens registering to vote – and that has become the focus of “lawfare.” In the case of U.S. v. Beals, filed last week, the government has already moved for a preliminary injunction against the State of Virginia, to stop the State’s election department from removing noncitizens who continue to register to vote every day. The government filed their case in the Alexandria division, no doubt to be convenient to themselves. Commissioner Susan Beals has moved to transfer the case to the Richmond Division, in the State capital. (See the docket, complaint, brief for injunction, proposed order, and brief for transfer.)


Virginia has a shot at getting this case before a more friendly judge. Of the three judges in the Richmond Division, two are Trump judges. (The third is an Obama judge.) Patricia Tolliver Giles, the current judge in the Alexandria division, is one of two Biden judges. That division also has a Clinton and a Trump judge. (The Senior judges are more likely to be conservative in either division.)

Bloated voter rolls

As infuriating at this case is, it doesn’t touch the biggest problem. Virginia removed 6,303 noncitizen “voters” from its rolls before August 7, 2024. That’s a trifle. Yesterday Joe Hoft (Jim’s brother) published an actuarial analysis of Virginia’s voter rolls. More than a million Virginia voters are inactive. When one excludes inactive voters, one sees greater than 100% registration in 43 of Virginia’s units. (Unit means a county or an independent city.) That means that more people are registered to vote than the eligible adult population of these units.

A confidential source in the election-integrity activist community told CNAV three days ago that “Virginia’s voter rolls are messed up.” This is what that activist was talking about. Clearly Virginia never removed its dead or moved-out voters, as Texas did. How important is that? Simply this: adjustment of reported turnout to allow for the likely volume of spurious registrations yields greater than 100% turnout. That can only mean that someone requested mail-in absentee ballots in the names of those spurious “voters.”

This kind of Big Cheat method has a lesser opportunity, because for this cycle, a voter must affirmatively request an absentee ballot. Nevertheless the activist community wants to abolish mail-in absentee voting completely. Their solution is: either you show up, or you don’t vote. However, they will accept voting by proxy, if clerks of county courts, sheriffs, police precincts, etc., certify the proxies ahead of time, as in France.

Overseas registration

The most dangerous opportunity for absentee ballot fraud is not noncitizens registering in-country, though that’s bad enough. The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) represents a much larger pool for the Big Cheat. UOCAVA allows putative U.S. citizens living abroad to register to vote without submitting adequate proof of citizenship.


Overseas civilian registrations are incredibly easy to forge. The Democratic Party has an active “Democrats Abroad” program to facilitate such registration. They claim 9 million Americans of voting age living abroad – while the government acknowledges less than one-third of that number. What’s to stop leftist activists, who are Loyal Subjects of His Majesty or citizens of European Union countries, from posing as United States citizens to register to vote? Answer: nothing.

TGP’s Patty McMurray began a series on the UOCAVA opportunity and method on September 6. She continued her series on September 22, after boasted of it. Donald Trump knows about the problem.

The Democrats are talking about how they’re working so hard to get millions of votes from Americans living overseas. Actually, they are getting ready to CHEAT! They are going to use UOCAVA to get ballots, a program that emails ballots overseas without any citizenship check or verification of identity, whatsoever. (Foreign interference?) Remember they say, we have the “most secure elections in history,” and anyone can get a ballot emailed to them! They want to dilute the TRUE vote of our beautiful military and their families, who Comrade Kamala has totally disrespected and abandoned. Republicans must act to stop them from stealing our military votes. WATCH! Remember, IF YOU VOTE ILLEGALLY, YOU’RE GOING TO JAIL.

This month has seen an incredible flurry of reporting on this issue. Five U.S. Representatives from Pennsylvania sued Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State over lax UOCAVA registration requirements. The Michigan Republican Party and Republican National Committee sued Michigan’s Secretary of State over the same issue. (Patty McMurray talked about that on Bannon’s War Room.)

An MSNBC panel produced a panicked reaction to the revelations, alleging that these are military voters and their families. (That segment constitutes only one-third of the voters at issue.)

Dana Nessel, Attorney General of Michigan, threatened unspecified “sanctions.”


The Michigan Republican Party and Republican National Committee’s baseless lawsuit, filed mere weeks before the election, is a deliberate attempt to disenfranchise the families of military and overseas voters. Challenging a decades-old statute in this frivolous manner is both irresponsible and abusive. Their actions are a clear attempt to sow doubt about the integrity of the election and suppress the legitimate votes of American citizens. This conduct is unacceptable and warrants sanctions. The court must dismiss this lawsuit to send a clear message that attempts to undermine our electoral system cannot and will not be tolerated.

Means for the Big Cheat

Again, the most important means for the Big Cheat relies on mail-in absentee voting. That’s why the federal government and several Blue State governments are suing to keep voter rolls as they are. Again, those concentrating on illegal immigrants registering to vote in the United States are missing a much larger threat. That threat, as noted above, is UOCAVA.

But even before the Election of 2020, a leftist losing candidate sued to highlight another method: gimmicked electronic voting machines. Two types of machine are at issue:

  • Ballot Marking Devices, which produce the actual machine-readable ballots in some jurisdictions, and
  • Scanner-tabulators, which actually count the votes.

J. Alex Halderman demonstrated in court (Curling v. Raffensperger) that the Ballot Marking Device by Dominion Voting Systems is hackable to mark a ballot other than as a voter wishes. The voter is none the wiser, because Dominion’s BMD produces a Quick-Read Code. Election Systems and Software’s BMD (ExpressVote®) produces a simple bar code and a human readable message indicating the voter’s choice(s). Your editor’s jurisdiction uses the ExpressVote® only as an aid to the handicapped.

But any vendor’s scanner-tabulator is a “black box” that runs on proprietary code. Logic and Accuracy testing is supposed to verify the correctness of that code. But one activist shared this dire possibility with CNAV:

In the million lines of Electronic Voting Machine (Dominion, ES&S, Hart, et al.) Company Proprietary Code (=SECRET CODE), how do we know that a line of code [does not say]:

“At 5:59 a.m., begin to do fractional vote counting where each vote counts 51 percent Democrat and 49 percent Republican.”

Then the line of code says:

“After close of polls, tabulation, and transmission of (fractional vote count) results, erase this line of code and the one at 5:59 a.m. to eerase evidence of manipulated election results.”

How does Gov. [Glenn] Youngkin [R-Va.]’s pre-election observation of the [L&A] test help this?

An Erasable Electronically Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) chip could manage that very thing. Activists want the code “open-sourced” to see whether that’s happening – or not.

How that means might be more difficult

In your editor’s jurisdiction, the Chief Officer of Election “runs a tape” from the scanner-tabulator and transcribes results by hand. (The tape also contains facsimile “write-in” votes for general elections.) He or she then transmits all results by voice over a telephone. Moreover, someone would, somehow, have to tell the machine what day it was as well as what time it was. Scanner-tabulators are notorious for not keeping the correct time, precisely because they are not Internet-connected during the election. (Internet-connected computers synchronize with Network Time Protocol servers, which in turn synchronize with the United States Naval Observatory in Arlington, Virginia, or similar official observatories.)


ES&S’s ES-200 scanner-tabulator maintains a public count of ballots processed that day, and an aggregate count of how many ballots have gone through the machine over the year. The General Registrar’s office logs these aggregate counts for each machine after every use. Chiefs of Precinct reconciles the running Public Count with voters checked-in every half hour. At close of polls, the Officers of Election count physical ballots used, and reconcile this count with ballots issued, ballots unused, and ballots spoiled. (But incredibly, a judge in Fulton County, Georgia enjoined any adherence to this simple procedure! Georgia uses Dominion, not ES&S, equipment.)

But we have a good General Registrar. A bad one might not use or require these procedures.

Nevertheless, Gov. Youngkin did win election in 2021 – and even in 2020, Democrats down-ticket underperformed Biden and Harris.


So the Big Cheat relies on mail-in absentee voting, and may rely on the kind of fraud UOCAVA would allow. “The Machines” aren’t the biggest problem – but their proprietary code does violate Virginia’s Constitutional provision for counting votes openly. (It might also violate other State Constitutional provisions as well.) That’s why all election-integrity activists agree that a return to the paper ballots, counted at the precinct, with which American elections began, is mandatory to restore trust in American elections. Elon Musk, head of Platform X, agrees.

We should eliminate electronic voting machines. The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high.

If anyone is planning a Big Cheat, then they haven’t informed the legacy media. MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski openly wept aloud a few days ago, when discussion the likely outcome of the election. No such weeping and wailing took place in 2020. Indeed, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), then Speaker of the House, gave orders not to concede the election no matter what. That is prima facie evidence of guilty knowledge – which no one is indicating today.


Furthermore, legacy media polls four years ago all predicted Biden winning, though Biden still underperformed those polls. Today, legacy media polls have Trump winning, not losing.

But we still have Obama’s cryptic message, “We have time.” Time for what? For turning the election around? For The Big Cheat? Stay tuned – and alert.

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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