Election fraud – evidence of prevention
The Election of 2024 provided evidence of election fraud in 2020 – and of the effectiveness of measures since then to prevent it.
Donald Trump has won reelection, but some of the numbers don’t seem to add up. Specifically, why did the total popular vote come in at 12 million fewer in 2024 than in 2020? Everyone remembers that interest in the Election of 2024 was higher than the interest in any previous election. Why did 12 million voters fail either to request mail-in ballots, or to show up in person, compared to 2020. And why have we not seen a Stairstep Graph this time? The simplest – therefore the preferable – answer is that, in 2020, those 12 million “voters” were duplicates, or represented the dead. And, given the different attention to the voter rolls in this cycle, this kind of election fraud might repeat itself. But this time, it was vastly insufficient to prevent a Trump victory. The American people must make sure that holds next time.
Elections of 2020 and 2024 results compared
Initial results from 2020 come from the site “270 to Win”; those from 2024 come from The Daily Wire. Synoptic comparison at 6:40 p.m. reveals:
Type of Vote | Year | Trump | Biden/Harris | Total |
Electoral Vote | 2020 | 232 | 306 | 538 |
2024 | 312 | 226 | 538 | |
Popular Vote | 2020 | 74223975 | 81283501 | 155507476 |
2024 | 73709705 | 69448855 | 143158560 | |
Difference | 514270 | 11834646 | 12348916 |
Thus far, Trump has about 514,000 fewer votes this time than last. This shortfall could reflect:
- Votes still to be counted,
- “Black-pilled” voters who declined to vote, thinking “The Machines” would miscount their votes anyway, or
- A tremendous “natural decrease” (that is, more voters dying than coming of age).
Excess deaths of more than half a million Trump supporters is hard to believe. But young people, until this year, tended to join the ultra-leftist side. Recent events seem to have turned that trend off.
Harris, meanwhile, has 11.8 million fewer votes than Biden got. The total popular-vote “deficit” comes to 12.3 million votes.
The election fraud issue: what happened to all those votes?
So the question remains: what happened to those 12 million Democrat voters? They didn’t switch their votes; they didn’t vote at all. Why?
Trevor Noah knows why. When he published his analysis, the total deficit looked to be 15 million votes. Now it’s considerably less, of course, but his point remains. Where did all those votes go? Noah found early that Democrats were asking that question, as the votes were rolling in:
How can the total number of voters be less this year than there were in 2020 after we’ve had the biggest turnout than ever before? Demand a recount and an investigation.#DoNotConcedeKamala.
— Deb (@dancingdg) November 6, 2024
Note that the accountholder “protects” her posts and limits who may view them. She probably set that limit after many other users poured contempt upon her. This post has the strongest evidence yet that those 12 million votes were a fraudulent excess. That excess is not present this time because the election fraud could not happen.
Anything blue above the yellow line was fraud. Guess what? An investigation of 2020 and ballot stuffing by Dems is not out of the question.
Anything blue above the yellow line was fraud. Guess what? An investigation of 2020 and ballot stuffing by Dems is not out of the question.— steve smith the anti-communist (@stevesmithsnoq) November 6, 2024
The accountholder is a former Intelligence and Special Operations Officer for the Air Force. In short, he knows what he’s talking about. Note also that this graph came out early in the vote count. Today Trump’s 2024 popular vote is much closer to his 2020 tally than the graph shows.
A closer look at this graph shows similar Democratic popular vote counts in 2012, 2016, and 2020. The only Democratic popular vote total higher than that level happened in 2020. And this cycle, the popular vote total fell almost exactly to the present level.
This post gives a table with actual numbers, to three significant digits:
There’s an answer out there. Look at this. Where is the anomaly? Hint…. Its 2020.
There’s an answer out there. Look at this. Where is the anomaly? Hint…. Its 2020.— Mike the Terrible
(@MikeHeals73) November 6, 2024
Between this chart and the graph, the anomaly stands out in stark relief.
How can one explain this?
Rank-and-file Democrats are not suggesting that the Brave Souls Who Turned Out in Twenty Twenty simply went back to bed and pulled the bedclothes over their heads. Instead, they are suggesting that election officials, at Central Absentee Precinct level, are refusing to count their votes. At least, that’s the only rational explanation for their behavior. But that cannot possibly explain why the Democratic popular vote total went back to the Obama-Clinton trend line.
That leaves only one possible explanation, and it is inescapable. Those 12 million votes existed only as fraudulent votes by mail. Not even a vast conspiracy including Dominion Voting Systems, Election Systems and Software, and every other vendor of Electronic Voting Machines could have produced the 2020 result. Only the vote-by-mail regime could have done it.
In 2020, many jurisdictions loosened their rules and sent mail-in ballots to every registered voter. Furthermore, the Vanishing Postal Service Trailer of Pennsylvania begs explanation to this day.
This cycle, Republican governors and Secretaries of State did two important things. First, they went back to the old rule that a voter must request an absentee ballot. They might stay on a list of standing requests, but even that had to be on record. Second, those officials removed from the rolls hundreds of thousands of names of dead or moved-out-of-State voters, in each State.
If twenty-four States each removed half a million dead or moved-out voters from the rolls, that would remove 12 million names.
Conclusion: election fraud couldn’t happen to a large-enough extent
In short, those States – including, to a degree, Virginia, which elected a Republican governor in 2021 – took steps to prevent election fraud. And they succeeded. To reply to one canard: noncitizen voters weren’t the problem. The fraudsters, whoever they were, didn’t have enough of those to make this operation possible.
In addition to States tightening absentee ballot processes, and sanitizing their voter rolls, Republican activists located often inactive, but registered, voters – and encouraged them to vote in person. They might vote early, but they did vote in person. That alone likely stopped fraudsters from exploiting their ballots.
The result of tightening-up the absentee ballot process, and cleaning up the rolls, was twofold. First, Harris “carried” several States with much lower margins than Biden had. Second – and most important – Trump carried every battleground State where he and his team suspected fraud. Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada – all fell to Trump. So did North Carolina, but Trump carried that in 2020 also – though with a slimmer margin.
This does not suggest that electronic scanner-tabulators and Ballot Marking Devices are acceptable. BMDs especially have suffered from too many programming errors. And unless and until scanner-tabulator vendors release the source code, those machines are counting ballots in secret. That violates every concept of election integrity and transparency.
But the evidence now clearly shows that voting by mail must end. The French let people vote by proxy instead. That’s clearly preferable to a system that once allowed election fraud to prevail.
Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.
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