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Revolution for civilizational populism

Revolution goes through eight stages: environment, suspicion, denial, evidence, outrage, suppression, revolt, and reconciliation. The civilizational populist revolution of Donald Trum,p has almost completed these stages.



A new kind of revolution is sweeping the United States, and arguably Western Europe. Dr. Steve Turley calls it civilizational populism. His premise states that the people want their civilizations back, and refuse to submit to any one-world government. This revolution, thus far, is bloodless, and one can hope it will so remain. But it might reach much further and last much longer for that very reason.

Ideologies of revolution and reaction

Political movements always take these labels, in order of more “forward” movement:

  • Reaction – changing things back to where they rested a short while ago,
  • Conservatism – keeping things as they are,
  • Moderation – changing things only a little,
  • Radicalism – literally moving the roots of society and social custom, and
  • Revolution – the most sweeping change of all.

Revolution and radical change can move in any direction; reaction is simply a short-term back-slide. Usually, reaction is a pushback against revolution. So a particular ideology always animates a revolution – and its diametric opposite animates reaction.

Today’s revolution has two animating ideologies now working hand-in-hand. Civilization or civilizationalism means developing, preserving, or returning to a culture that the revolutionaries desire. The civilizational movement seeks a thriving society, and a culture enabling it to thrive. Populism means trusting the people, not some cadre of enlightened engineers (technocracy) or other experts. Ironically, the Greek word for an expert is empeirognomonas – one who has gone to school to learn how to work out how the world works by testing it. (From the Greek peirazo I test, usually to failure). But today’s self-identifying experts have tested nothing and don’t want anyone to test their pretended theories (explanations). They want people merely to accept their word without question.

Today’s civilizational populists will no longer accept the word of those who claim to have a tested answer. More to the point, the world’s peoples have tested the one-worlders’ theories. And those theories have failed.

Steps and elements of revolution

Revolution is never a single event, but a progression of events, each one a step toward the goal. (The goal of any revolution is the realization of the ideology of those who make it.) History shows that these steps generally take place in this order:

  • A social environment in which some of society’s members stand at a material or other disadvantage,
  • Suspicion that this environment is not “natural,” but that some other(s) made that environment (and that it is unjust),
  • Denial by those in power that they played any unjust role in shaping that environment,
  • The discovery of evidence that those in power did play such an unjust role – or that they benefit materially from the injustice and refuse to address it,
  • Outrage at this sordid state of affairs,
  • Attempted suppression of the outrage,
  • Revolt against the unjust system, and finally,
  • Reconciliation of the injustice.

For example

For example, consider the War Between the States, which Philip Lee Ralph (World Civilizations, which saw its ninth edition in 1999)) calls “The Real American Revolution.” Its elements were:

  • Environment: slavery.
  • Suspicion: the first pamphlets advocating abolition, which arguably began with an early draft of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Denial: actual defenses of slavery from the South, even to citing some of St. Paul’s Letters as tolerating slavery. Those denials also included suggestions that the slaves were happy in and with their lot.
  • Evidence: credible stories from escapees and witnesses, including the “stationmasters” and “conductors” of the Underground Railroad,
  • Outrage: increasing support for abolition. Arguably this included Nat Turner’s Rebellion of 1832 and the Harpers Ferry Incident of 1859.
  • Suppression: three major incidents. They were:
    • The Supreme Court’s holding in Scott v. Sandford (60 U.S. 393 (1857)), that no slave had standing in federal court. According to that holding, once a slave, always a slave.
    • The execution of John Brown, the would-be revolutionary leader at Harpers Ferry, and finally:
    • After the election of Abraham Lincoln as President, the secession of the “slave States” and the Sack of Fort Sumter.
  • Revolt: the War itself.
  • Reconciliation: the Reconstruction Era, with its provisional governments, land expropriation (accomplished through tax sales), etc.

Group punishment leads to more injustice

As an aside, reconciliation can be a delicate undertaking. If it consists of “group punishment,” that could set the stage for a counter-revolution in later years. That happened after the War Between the States. Happily that counter-revolution was relatively bloodless: it consisted of the Compromise of 1876. Essentially the Democratic Party let Rutherford B. Hayes take office, though they (from their viewpoint) had reason to dispute twenty electoral votes and, with them, the election itself. But they demanded, as their price, the removal of all remaining occupying garrisons and provisional governments from the defeated South. The Jim Crow era succeeded to this, and would require another revolution to reverse it. And as it happened, more discontent resulted from the disastrous policy prescription offered for reconciliation: James Coleman’s desegregation busing.

And here is the “joker in the deck.” Certain groups of people, compelled to rule, will ensure that discontent always remains after every reconciliation measure that follows revolution. To do that in the United States, they must inevitably violate the Constitution. The Constitution of the United States does not allow group punishments. Article I Section 9 Clause 3:

No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed.

Sadly the Supreme Court deviated from that, with their rulings on desegregation busing, then their split decision on “affirmative action.” Regents of the University of California v. Allan Paul Bakke, 438 U.S. 265 (1978). But the modern Supreme Court has reaffirmed a commitment to justice for the individual, not the group. SFFA v. Harvard and U.N.C., 600 U.S. ___ (2023), slip opinion.

The civilizational populist revolution of today

We now come to the civilizational populist revolution, the revolt phase of which is now playing out. The environment is an overreaching administrative state that assembled itself beginning with the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson. Statutes like the Pure Food and Drug Act set the precedent for an “expert” regime. Such was the essence of progressivism – to step forward under the guiding hands of a cadre of natural, medical, and social scientists who would present tested theories by which to govern. By no accident, Dr. Abraham Flexner took the opportunity to abolish the old medical apprenticeship system (“reading medicine”) and replace it with formal schools of medicine, teaching hospitals, etc.

Central to the legitimacy of this expert class were the concepts of:

  • An academic regime that would produce “experts” having recognizable credentials, and
  • The incapacity of the non-educated “many” (the hoi polloi) to understand that which only students at elite schools understood.

With that incapacity came the incapacity of the people even to govern themselves. So people throughout the Western world accepted often outlandish notions, because “such-a-one went to Harvard (or Yale, Princeton, etc.), so surely he knows better than you do.”

The first suspicions

But then came the event that first provoked suspicion. After the Second World War, elements of the (Chinese) People’s Liberation Army captured and wrongfully executed Captain John Birch USA. This American missionary had proved instrumental in:

  • Saving the lives of Jimmy Doolittle and his crews after they crash-landed in China after their raid on Tokyo, then:
  • Creating the intelligence network that served the Allies in that theater.

The United States government covered up the circumstances of Captain Birch’s death. Outraged, Mr. Robert Welch honored Captain Birch by placing his name on a new political-educational society he created in 1958.

Welch was the first to suspect that a vast conspiracy was creating conditions that thwarted prosperity, and provoked war, at opportune moments for armorers, bankers, and the like. He considered the cover-up of Captain John Birch’s death part and parcel of a mindset that individual life was cheap.

The John Birch Society does not endorse candidates – and for the first decades, no one listened to them. But its members kept whispering into people’s ears: ever notice how convenient all this endless hostility is? That whispering might slow down, but it never stopped. And to this day, the John Birch Society encourages us to apply a time-honored maxim of criminal investigation. Seek whom the crime will profit. Which is right up there with Fleming’s Maxim:

Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, and the third time it’s enemy action.

Denial, evidence, and outrage

Of course the two Party establishments denied flatly that any vast conspiracy could start wars. But those establishments bought into the ideology of a conspiracy that does exist: the World Economic Forum. They carried the notions of academic elites, and the incapacity of ordinary citizen-subjects to govern themselves, to a high art.

To succeed, revolution requires the ascension of a person or persons who understand that all is not as it seems. Donald Trump was and is that man. From the moment he took over the Central Park ice rink and repaired it, he became famous, not only as a real-estate tycoon but also as one who succeeded where governments failed.

His election in 2016 put Trump in a position to see and gather evidence that the conspiracy of which Robert Welch’s John Birch society spoke, or at least a conspiracy as nefarious as any that Welch hypothesized (and trained his followers to search out), was and is real. Trump named that conspiracy The Deep State, which he defined as consisting of bureaucratic hangers-on.


Then the conspirators, with apologies to George Lucas, struck back. The Election of 2020 went for Joe Biden – in ways that utterly violated the Law of Averages. Violation of the Law of Averages is always prima facie evidence of cheating at games of chance. And so the people, waking up the morning after Election Day to see the result reversed, reacted in outrage.

Suppression and revolt – the end stages of the revolution

The Deep State had been suppressing the truth for at least two years before Election Day. Consider the Hunter Biden Laptop Story, and the 51 “spooks” who denounced it as a Russian lie. (Suppression always works best with the perception, real, exaggerated, imagined, or misconstrued, of an external enemy.) Consider also the coronavirus outbreak, and the worst mistake Trump made: letting the experts tell him to close the country down, as happens in Albert Camus’ novel The Plague.

The January 6 Event, and the ruthless – and unjust – prosecutions that followed, represented the worst single suppressive operation. That suppression continued with the Mar-A-Lago Raid and all the cases against Mr. Trump. But along the way, the people were preparing for revolt even then. (The January 6 Event does not count; that belongs strictly to the outrage phase.) People applied for, and won, postings as poll watchers and workers. Step aside, Little Old Ladies In Tennis Shoes! Step aside, Democrat operatives! The “election-integrity patriots” made only one error: assuming that someone was actually manipulating the scanner-tabulators that count most votes today. Gradually they discovered the real problem: voter rolls listing the dead, the move-outs, and people “living” in big-box stores, etc.

Then the Deep State tried to have Trump assassinated. And they failed. But that failure produced the iconic display of a wounded man standing up and exhorting his followers to fight.

The Election of 2024, with “rightward shifts” in every demographic, and every district, constitutes the revolt.


Reconciliation phase

America now is in the reconciliation phase – or the Truth and Reconciliation phase, to borrow a phrase from South Africa. Donald Trump now has the best cadre of executive officers any President has ever had – and they are his team. (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., won confirmation today as Secretary of Health and Human Services.) He also has a good “hatchet man” in Elon Musk – another genius who, like him, stumbled upon evidence of the conspiracy in his own endeavors.

Reconciliation always involves some sort of tribunal, and a cadre of gatherers of evidence. That is the function of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) – to gather further evidence to use in revolutionary tribunals.

And members of the Establishment know how vulnerable they are. This morning, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) let slip their real concern:

We don’t know what all they have on us!

Sen. Mitch McConnell (RINO-Ky.), the lone Republican to vote No on Mr. Kennedy, made a bitter concession speech. Like Rep. Waters, he expressed his real worry: the destruction of the Vaccine Regime. Yesterday he delivered a similar screed against new Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard. He all but called her a traitor, and definitely called her a sympathizer with traitors. (His case in point: Edward Snowden.)

Sorry, Senator, but the people know better. The Overton Window has shifted, to the point whereat we need not consider vaccines, or endless wars, necessary. Nor programs from which Democrats get a cut, skimmed off the top, as DOGE keeps discovering.


What next for the revolution?

Some members of the Establishment are already talking of counter-revolution – on the level of actual physical violence. Yesterday, Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) continued in the vein of Rep. Waters:

BREAKING: Dem. Rep. Robert Garcia just called for “ACTUAL WEAPONS” to be used against Elon Musk in this “fight for democracy.” This comes after an ad popped up in DC today, CLEARLY calling for the assassination of Musk. Democrats are VlOLENT. The events of this week have made that clearer than ever! THEY MUST BE CHARGED!

This is what Nick Sortor was talking about:

‘ELIMINATE ELON’ AD SPARKS OUTRAGE AS SENATOR DEMANDS INVESTIGATION. A disturbing advertisement featuring USAID’s logo and calling to “eliminate” Elon has drawn congressional attention. Senator Tillis: “This disgusting threat was made against Elon for helping President Trump eliminate government waste.” Looks like someone’s taking DOGE’s fraud investigations personally.

But very few people are responding to these attempted calls-to-arms. Anyone who does, will answer to the new Attorney General and her staff.

Beyond that, the first judgments in the revolution extend not much further than firing, and disqualification from re-hiring. But prosecutions for embezzlement and similar corrupt practices should take place. Voters will have to render further judgments – which makes imperative Trump’s desire to have all federal elections take place on paper, with election workers trained to count actual votes by hand.

The United States has the means to carry out the revolution in a bloodless fashion. Whether it stays that way, depends on whether certain people can accept the judgment of the people.

Terry A. Hurlbut
+ posts

Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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