Federal prosecutors released one piece of evidence they didn't need to release to keep Trump's would-be assassin in lockup.
Independent voters have one value only: they think Parties are political machines. Someone must educate them as to the importance of ideas.
Republican activists in Virginia need to put down the black pill of defeatism and realize their State is in play.
The real threat to the republic is the indifference of public officials, media personalities, and even some citizens to Trump's near-killing.
Did Donald Trump avoid yet another attempt on his life, when an alert officer found a bomb? Why are local police denying it?
Legacy media personalities say what Donald Trump said about Springfield, Ohio, provoked the second attempt on his life.
Donald Trump just survived a second assassination attempt - and this time the perpetrator revealed that he must have had help.
A Christian, preparing to vote in any election, must ask himself ten questions about any candidate for public office.
It's not a movie - America's cats and dogs are now in danger, from mendicant migrants the Biden-Harris administration has imported.
A delayed reaction to the Trump-Harris debate has set in, with revelations of unfair conduct and willful lying by candidate and moderators.