The Deep State, which has existed since before our country's founding, exposed themselves with their failed attempt to kill President Trump.
Will Kamala Harris tap Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania to be her Vice-Presidential running mate? Will that help, or hurt, her campaign?
Donald Trump is clearly going on offense, holding rallies in Democrat-leaning States like Minnesota while attacking Kamala Harris' record.
Donald Trump is defying the Secret Service, as he has defied the odds all his life, and beaten them. That's showing how it is done.
Republicans are assuming too much in the Trump-Harris matchup and neglecting their campaigns down-ticket. That way lies disaster.
President Joe Biden did address the nation, to explain his withdrawal from the election, but spoke barely above a whisper. And where's Jill?
Democrats - and the Secret Service - are making facile suggestions that will serve only their own agendas, not anyone's security.
Where has Joe Biden been for six days - and where is Jill Biden, who STILL has not been seen in public since last week?
Kim Cheatle, head of the U.S. Secret Service, appeared before the House Oversight Committee today - and was asked to resign.
President Joe Biden dropped out of the Presidential race today, after donors threatened to withhold funds. Will Republicans blow it?