President Barack Obama has made the U.S. virtually irrelevant in world affairs. That was his purpose, but this means that Obama himself is now irrelevant. The Muslim...
It only takes a glimpse at the news to observe the anger extant in America today. This anger may be manifested in many ways: urban streets...
The Government of Israel is preoccupied, as usual, with security. Hence it is devoid of a constructive political philosophy clear enough to guide statesmen and vivid...
There are those who believe I am a whacko, right wing, uber-conservative Christian. Well, I wear that label with pride because it means I actually know,...
Soft judges produce hardened criminals! The Los Angeles Times reports, “State by state, the death penalty is losing ground.” They should have just reported that “State by...
In these apocalyptic times, if a simple Jew who loves God were to write Him a letter, it might go something like this:
The resolution of the God issue, which involves the sanctification of God’s Name, should be the paramount purpose of the State of Israel. That and that...
Without minimizing the existential threat confronting Israel by a nuclear-armed Iran, a threat magnified by Iran’s insidious alliance with U.S. President Barack Obama, it may be...
Various Zionist organizations in Israel and abroad are concerned about making Israel safe as well as strong. These organizations have performed an important service. They have...
“I Am Cecil”-Protesters