The airwaves, blogs, and newspapers have been filled with Bridgegate, the label given to the questionable political activities of Governor Christie. Highlights of the story being...
The Chris Christie bridge scandal drew more attention last week than any other story. The attention did not last. New Jersey Democrats have not yet found...
Incrementalism has always been the secret behind the success of the progressive’s agenda. Their strategy of coercion and manipulation has often been implemented over extended periods...
The National Security Agency first lied about the NSA surveillance program. They said they were running no such program. (“N-n-not w-w-wittingly.”) Now they brazenly assert they...
The New Year is normally a time for renewals and looking enthusiastically towards the newness of our life’s calendar as we turn the page on THAT...
At the end of the year, the Pew Research Center published another survey on public attitudes about human evolution. Pew last took this survey in 2009....
How does one diagnose Walter Duranty Syndrome? A news organ publishes a report at wild variance with the facts as others understand them. When those others...
Editor’s Note: Over the weekend of December 28-29, 2013, the Democratic National Committee sent out an e-mail to its mailing list. In it they quoted several...
Yesterday The New York Times released another Benghazi report, in six parts. David D. Kirkpatrick wrote a book on Benghazi. This six-part Benghazi report consists of...
The United States Chamber of Commerce just out-Obama’d Obama. They will spend fifty million dollars on an anti-primary campaign against Tea Party upstarts in the 2014...