The WHO Pandemic Treaty did not go to ratification, but the very consideration of its terms should concern all Americans who love liberty.
This summer the Supreme Court will rule on a case involving what a district court called perhaps “the most massive attack against free speech” ever inflicted...
Nearly two years after Nina Jankowicz briefly led the Disinformation Governance Board at the Department of Homeland Security, she’s launched an organization demanding transparency and the...
Two days ago a key House subcommittee released a massive (881 pages!) report on social-media censorship in America. This subcommittee used the phrase Censorship Industrial Complex,...
The World Health Organization is urging the U.S. and 193 other governments to commit next month to a new global treaty to prevent and manage future...
The curation at RealClear Censorship this week reflects on a dramatic, defining moment for free speech in this country. On April 17, students at Columbia University...
A free press should begin at college – but most campus newspapers skew left, repeat leftist orthodoxy, and censor conservative expression.
This week finds a dangerous idea gaining currency, that speech can be too free, and that the only cure for misinformation is censorship.
Reviewing another week in censorship - Julian Assange, Aleksei Navalny, Paul Thacker, the NewsGuard scandal, and the Samizdat Prizes.
This week in censorship began with Frank Miele's excoriation of Rachel Maddow and ends with the Murthy v. Missouri upcoming argument.