How Lee Zeldin found and started to claw back billions of dollars in last-minute political EPA grants upon taking over the agency.
Amerricans deserve freedom of choice in the cars they buy and drive - and electric vehicles are not ready for prime time, anyway.
The latest EPA rules could cause more baseload carrying conventional and nuclear plants to shut down and make the grid intermittent.
Natural gas lobbyists lie about coal, talking about pollution that doesn't exist or is far less than believed, to win a spuriious acceptance.
Power plant emissions reduction rules must come by law, not regulation, the Supreme Court has said. A new bipartisan bill might serve.
Forty-two was the mystical number that explained “life, the universe, and everything” in Douglas Adams’ comic novel, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Today, another mystical...
Addressing climate change requires transitioning to lower carbon energy sources. Well-designed regulation plays a critical role in accelerating this transition. But regulation with a high degree...
The Biden administration brought back Obama-era sue-and-settle environmentalism with a vengeance, as reports clearly show.
Why is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) arming itself to the tune of $620,000 in guns and ammunition?
Joe Goffman must not become an assistant EPA administrator. The Supreme Court negated his reason for being there two terms ago.