Solar for All is part of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, yet another slush fund for Democratic Party organizations and governments.
The electric vehicle mandate comes strictly from Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.), and without drastic action, could collapse the electric grid.
Green energy has seen many reverses lately as States, counties, and towns at last start to count the costs.
The Inflation Reduction Act costs three times as much as originally projected and has not achieved its stated environmental goals.
The article critiques the climate left's agenda, arguing it is neither genuine nor environmentally friendly. It asserts that the production of electric vehicles and solar energy...
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation warns that America's power grid is becoming increasingly unreliable due to the closure of coal plants without adequate replacements. This...
As the enemies of affordable energy make a State and local nuisance of themselves, governors organize to deal with them.
The Paris Agreement was and is a dead letter with or without American participation in it, and Trump's withdrawal from it will do no harm.
President Trump has arrived like a cavalry commander to win a war for reliable energy against highly dubious environmentalism.
China benefits from disruptive environmental activism in America, because such activism makes America weak.