Energy transition remains a hollow promise by environmentalists who have not thought through the logistics of replacing fossil fuels.
The SEC has proposed a rule for Natural Asset Companies, that exist to keep land wild (or re-wild it), and may violate property rights.
Current government policies promise a harsh or even fatal winter for many Americans in the name of large appliance electrification.
EV charging stations - and the power plants to juice them - will be the weak link in the government's attempt to electrify the car fleet.
Electric vehicles are in fact unworkable, and electrifying the small-vehicle fleet, as the Biden admninistration wants to do, is too costly.
China will never give up coal, because it has too much of it, and it has too many productive uses for them to stop using it.
Oil and gas supply 65 percent of America's energy needs. America must lead in the production of these vital natural resources.
Dependable, low-cost electricity is vital to family businesses, as it is to households. Anything that compromises that, must be opposed.
Recycling costs far more than making new and is but one example of the myths of what must or even can be done to "save the...
Electric vehicles haven't lived up to the hype and would never sell without heavy subsidies. Voters should not support such a project.