Rewilding - reverting an area to the wild - is all the rage in environmental circles. It is also a convenient method to realize total control.
Planet of the Humans does indeed exppose the flaws, inconsistencies, and hypocricies of many environmentalists. But its message is still misanthropic.
Michael Moore recently warned his fellow travelers about several issues they never considered. Happily, solutions to those issues are available.
The Green New Deal is definitely a socialistic plan, as the chief of staff of its introducer avows. Here is how it would work.
The Green New Deal, by reason of its extremely tight time frame, is a blueprint, not for ensuring energy, clean or dirty, but for engineering scarcity.
As solar power displaces conventional power, it sometimes costs more from its own intermittency. There's a way to repair that.
Electric vehicles are only as efficient as the electricity to charge them. To get that juice from renewables alone would take 3.7% of American land.
Electric vehicles are not as green as touted. Nor will they be until their manufacturing and charging are just as green. There are ways to do...
The Green New Deal is like the Pale Green Horse of the Apocalypse. It brings death to history and to human beings, under the guise of...
At the last G20 meeting nineteen out of twenty world leaders signed the document about climate change. President Trump was the only dissenter. I was surprised...