An overview of new technologies to make natural gas safer and more sustainable by detecting and stopping pipeline leaks.
Joe Goffman must not become an assistant EPA administrator. The Supreme Court negated his reason for being there two terms ago.
The White House could disrupt its own goals for rebuilding American infrastructure if it insists on a new lower particulate matter standard.
Net zero in Great Britain has been an abject failure, with sky-high energy costs, stunted economic growth, and an unreliable grid.
Nuclear energy is the key to any clean energy solution, because only it can replace concentrated "dirty" forms.
Los Angeles wants to spend $58 million for a three-mile bike path - and dog lovers are already lining up against it.
A former mining executive lists the minerals that are and shortly will become critical to any energy transition, for more than batteries.
Net zero is a disaster for Great Britain, and it took a campaign of lies to sell it to a gullible Parliament.
Demand for electric vehicles is already slumping, because charging takes too long and total cost of ownership is higher than advertised.
The green energy subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act would cost too much and not yield the energy they promise.