A conspiracy to destroy the foundations of America does exist, and the concentrated media organs have been playing their role.
The globalists are attempting an American Reformation, like the English Reformation of Henry VIII and just as self-serving.
FIghting the wars of others is a losing proposition for the United States and serves only to continue the kill-off of the population.
Globalists have been practicing ideological subversion on America, a trick they learned from the Soviets and refined over the decades.
Quantum computing provides the necessary computing power for the technocratic, transhumanist unistate that will get along without people.
The globalists have been actively working to control your brain, and give their brains superhuman capabilities, for half a century.
BigBrain is one step shy of the ultimate replacement of human decision-making with a generalized AI, at the head of a technocracy.
The globalists are indeed coming for the world’s children – and ironically, Canadian parents realized it first, and other parents should.
The insidious message of preventing hurt feelings, destroys competence and deliberately removes any basis for self-esteem.
Yuval Harari pitches the globalist message directly to children, by indoctrinating them in the exaggerated value of cooperation.