April Fool's Day has been part of Western civilization arguably since ancient Rome. But sometimes the joke can be a warning.
Joe Biden joins a long line of leaders who lust for the destruction of Israel and the Jews. But God has other ideas, and plans.
Can America become a civilizational state, like Russia and India and (possibly) China? All it requires is thinking outside of the box.
Sanctions will not stop Russia and will more likely hurt those applying them instead.
“When the flow of goods is no longer available, war is inevitable.” One of the more consequential events from recent human history was the Treaty of...
Try looking at the Ukraine situation from the Russian point of view. They see a decadent and hypocritical West refusing to listen.
Have Americans forgotten how to fight for freedom? Why are the first stirrings of rebellion happening abroad, not in America itself? Only you can answer that...
The Republican Party has an excellent platform to restore the republic, sitting in front of them, if they have the fortitude to run on it.
The Freedom Convoy 2022 protest in Ottawa, Canada appears to be ending in blood.
Karl Marx’ call for workers of the world to unite against evil capitalists has echoed through the decades. By 1914, socialists were certain WWI would mark...