The Election of 2024 is about competing ideologies - freedom v. dictatorship, prosperity v. poverty - not the candidates.
After Murthy v. Missouri, Congress and the White House can act on Internet censorship - if Republicans gain control of both branches.
The Founding Forefathers of America were not Satanists or occultists, as historical revisionists would have Americans believe.
Equality, properly understood and Constitutionally pursued, will save the American experiment and restore civility.
On Independence Day we remember the stirring words of the Declaration of Independence, and the sacrifices required to make it real.
Two years before he formulated the ideas for the Monroe Doctrine, then-Secretary of State John Quincy Adams was asked to give the annual Independence Day address...
Adams, Jeremy S. Lessons in Liberty: 30 Rules for Living from 10 Extraordinary Americans. Broadside Books, 2024. Reviewed by Newt Gingrich.
Nature abhors a vacuum. So do bureaucrats. When the vacuum is statutory silence or ambiguity, bureaucrats are quick to fill it in ways that give themselves...
Today the Supreme Court released three more cases, leaving at least three to announced Monday of next week (July 1). These three cases have one thing...
President Biden is making gun control a central part of his reelection campaign. In a new ad, Biden says that Trump did “nothing” when children were...