75 years after the UN adopted its Universal Declaration of Human Rights, religions freedom remains a second-class right. That must end.
Trials of political candidates always raise the danger of politicization of justice. A few reforms might lessen that possibility somewhat.
Only another Great Awakening can settle the abortion debate - a debate that shows a sad moral state for the United States of America.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) turns 75 this month, and Princeton University recently held a two-day celebration of that.
Remembering the 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, Richard Samuelson calls this our first insurrection.
The January 6 Event is literally on the Supreme Court's docket, as a Representative with police experience closes in on two FBI ghost buses.
COP-28 wrapped with a manifesto for the destruction of civilization, the regression of mankind, and the depopulation of the earth.
Human rights advocates are protesting the continued record of abuses in Nigeria with particular attention to freedom of religion.
The Preamble to the Constitution is as important as the Bill of Rights, because it tells us where the source of power resides – the People.
Demand for electric vehicles is already slumping, because charging takes too long and total cost of ownership is higher than advertised.