The 2023 Nashville Covenant School murders understandably received massive news coverage when they occurred. The fight over obtaining the murderer’s diary also received news attention. But...
The March for Our Lives seeks a magical answer to a tragic problem, and ignore two answers that can prevent such tragedies.
Utah lets concealed handgun permit holders carry their handguns into schools. And they have never had a mass school shooting.
Another school shooting has taken place in a gun-free school zone. Those zones work only to get children killed. Politicians need to pay.
Mass shootings do not happen only or even mostly in America. But those that do happen, happen because we groom children for violence.
The Brooklyn subway shooting illustrates broken city and State policies that produce crime does not serve people with mental issues well..
Two mass shootings in as many cities, and multiple small-scale shootings in one city, attest to the spiritual deadness of the people.