American surrendered everything she fought for, and many human allies and a lot of equipment, in Afghanistan.
Israel has become the leader of the free world, because they know what liberty means and have taken practical steps to stay free.
The United States Marine Corps has suffered from bad decisions (like the Force Design plan) and needs rebuilding for a two-front war.
The U.S. Army paid Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson $11 million without realizing a single new enlistment and arguably lost enlistments.
Donald Trump recognized the China threat - and when he comes back, he will address it head-on, with a Reagan-style economic war.
Commercial airlines today benefit from an FAA certification system for used aircraft parts. The armed services could do the same.
The United States must prepare to get along without satellites so that even nuclear antisatellite weapons would not be worth the risk.
American arms control efforts are failing because other parties are not interested in what the United States has to tell them.
Russian ghost fleets have emerged as hazards to navigation, and could permanently imperil freedom of the seas.
Fifty-seven years ago today, USS Forestall CVA-59 caught fire and nearly sank. Herewith a retrospective of that event.