The United States should conclude a new deal to withdraw from the Iraq theater, because the benefits of staying are lacking.
The High Frontier of space beckons as a high ground that American must defend, or else surrender to any of several hostile powers.
Interview with Lt. Gen. Sami Sadat, commander of an opposition force in Afghanistan, about what it meant to fight the Taliban.
A disabled and honorably discharged veteran warns that diversity doesn't include him, because he won't show a commitment to it.
Governor Tim Walz faked his record as a war hero and parlayed that into a reprehensible civilian governing record.
The United States Armed Forces are already in crisis and will face a more critical decline in readiness if they continue with quotas.
American surrendered everything she fought for, and many human allies and a lot of equipment, in Afghanistan.
Israel has become the leader of the free world, because they know what liberty means and have taken practical steps to stay free.
The United States Marine Corps has suffered from bad decisions (like the Force Design plan) and needs rebuilding for a two-front war.
The U.S. Army paid Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson $11 million without realizing a single new enlistment and arguably lost enlistments.