Modern collectivism promises, and relys upon, eternal childhood as a mindset for the people. Children don't think for themselves. Adults do.
Elizabeth Warren proposes a wealth tax on, she says, a small portion of the population. That tax would not merely confiscate wealth; it would destroy it.
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has eclipsed Joe Biden in the 2020 nomination race. Time for a hard look at her and her programs.
The proposed impeachment of President Trump is the worst kind of humanitarian hoax. The American people will not tolerate such political cheating.
Tax policy in America and various States has its basis in a false premise and an unconstitutional tax, agreed upon by 545 people who should know...
Accusing Donald Trump or any of his followers of white supremacy leanings is an exercise in projection. The goal: government supremacy over the individual.
Donald Trump called attention to the literal rats in Baltimore to tell the figurative rats to clean up their act before criticizing Trump's.
The mass media yet again try to sell avowed leftists as the most admired people in America, though many Americans deny any such admiration.
The Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, hasn't provided security since Obama. President Trump must clean house at DHS to protect America.
Apollo 11 was the greatest achievement in American history. But what can America do today? Without the leadership it had, not much.