The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, far from protecting consumers, harms them by limiting consumer choice and imposing unrecoverable costs on legitimate economic activity.
President Trump should take five broad steps to reverse Biden era policies that have harmed the American economy.
Donald Trump has a chance to free the energy sector from regulations that drive up costs and prevent energy independence.
California especially - and the Biden administration - like to make feel-good rules that will harm consumers and do nothing for the planet.
The Power Elite is alive and well and have lined up behind Kamala Harris, with little or no evidence to justify the endorsement.
Kamala Harris is putting on an act of being friendly to small business, though she has been anything but as Senator and Vice-President
The DC Circuit Court of Appeals invalidated two LNG export permits that were already issued, imperiling other clean energy projects.
The Final Title IX Rule, issued in April, now stands enjoined in two separate courts - and the Supreme Court refused to lift the injunction.
The results of the recent PJM capacity auction portend skyrocketing electricity prices due largely to lack of generating capacity.
Congress passed, and Biden signed, a nuclear power regulatory modernization bill that still doesn't address unrealistic radiation standards.