Memphis, Tennessee fell for a phishing scam because COVID-19 protocols allowed transaction settlement by email rather than in-person.
New York City spent $1.6 million to study whether the city should place trash cans outside residents' apartments.
The National Park Service celebrated its centennial – in the wrong year, 2008 instead of 2016. Some of the spending projects were silly.
As much as $293 million of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan might have gone to the Taliban because it was not properly tracked.
Joe Biden's White House has more lawyers than even Barack Obama had when he left office. Why does he need so many lawyers?
New Jersey taxpayers will spend $750,000 on a soccer exhibition game that already has ample corporate sponsorship.
Biden's ObamaCare expansions could cost another $383 billion that the country can scarcely afford at a time of record debt.
Cities shamelessly misused federal Weed and Seed funds to pay for such frivolous pursuits as soccer games and corrugated cardboard shredding.
The Urban Government Center of Louisville, Kentucky, stands empty, without a buyer - so taxpayers must pay to maintain and guard it.
Social Security might pay more for disability than a recipient might earn at work, and return-to-work rules are too complex.