The General Services Administration (GSA) has tried to deal with unnecessary federal buildings since 1976. (It still faces that problem.)
The Pentagon, with a budget of $832 billion, once again failed an audit, the sixth such failure in as many years.
Florida prison officials spent $3.6 million of federal taxpayers' money to repair their roofs, but ignored inmates' needs.
Oklahoma colleges spent $83 million in the last decade on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs, officers - and lawsuit settlements.
Penny-wise and pound-foolish: Nevada mistreated eight inmates by sending them to fight a fire without training. Cost: $340,000
In 1982, the U.S. Commerce Department spent $440,000 holding training sessions in three-star hotels. Another Golden Fleece.
The Saucon Valley school district paid $200,000 to settle a lawsuit by the Satanic Temple and allow a club that doesn't yet exist.
The Maryland Healthe Department lost track of $1.4 billion in federal funds related to the COVID-19 epidemic.
The federal government gives property away when it could sell it instead and receive $3 billion per year from willing buyers.
Michigan is getting $1.5 billion from the federal treasury for high-speed Internet, but has been sharing it with private entertainment venues.