The case to knock Donald Trump off the ballot in Colorado is backfiring as Democrats obviously never predicted.
Citizens Against Government Waste identified $287 million worth of duplicative federal commissions, all of it wasteful.
The Colorado ruling (stayed!) kicking Trump off the ballot, latest in a long line of attacks, is already a classic political backfire.
A prominent Washington-based attorney disputes the Trump Colorado judgment, saying Trump must come to trial before any disqualification.
The Great Sortation is clearly continuing, as the latest Census data show domestic migration into regions with conservative government.
Net zero is a disaster for Great Britain, and it took a campaign of lies to sell it to a gullible Parliament.
President Trump articulated a plan to use some common sense to save America's cities, many of which are in decline.
Volodymyr Zelensky presumes too much when he demands more American money and threatens a need for American troops to fight his war.
Recent controversies surrounding Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) have created a new "test of the news" for accuracy and impartiality.
Trials of political candidates always raise the danger of politicization of justice. A few reforms might lessen that possibility somewhat.