British aircraft and pilots outclassed the USAF during the Cold War. A research fellow describes this in great detail.
Censorship plagues science as well as news and entertainment. The challenge is to recognize it, and stop it.
Now every American has every reason to acknowledge that election fraud - both vote tampering and manipulation - decided the Election of 2020.
The U.S. defense industrial base is not the monster of popular imagination – nor adequate to supply the military for a great nation.
Two lawyers call for an end to the Internet censorship that characterized pre-Musk Twitter and other platforms undeer CISA et al.
The Biden-Harris campaign has hired Brian Fallon, inveterate leftist extremist who has called for packing the Court, to manage the campaign.
The Saucon Valley school district paid $200,000 to settle a lawsuit by the Satanic Temple and allow a club that doesn't yet exist.
Dr. Claudine Gay definitely has committed plagiarism repeatedly in her academic career. But her proposals for "woke" teaching are worse.
The founder of Pennsylania Families for Educational Choice decries the exclusion of cyber charter school students from extracurriculars.
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) is investigating a State Department program to promote atheism overseas, and might issue a subpoena.