Texas, beset with the heaviest load of illegal border crossing, has gone to war, per Article I Section 10 Clause 3 - the Invasion Clause.
Americans are a dispirited people, and they have the office holders they elect, to blame. But sooner or later dispirited people get angry.
Rumble, the most popular YouTube competitor, refused a demand from the British Parliament to censor one of its content creators.
The House Judiciary Committee dropped a thread explaining the particulars of Elvis Chan's obsstructive refusal to give a deposition.
Project Veritas, eight months after firing James O'Keefe, its founder, is now reported bankrupt and defunct.
Children's Health Defense had its case transferred to the District of Columbia District Court - before another Trump appointee.
Trump fumbled on abortion in his NBC-TV interview. Compromise is not possible, and he should not seek it, but instead own the issue.
California has formally applied for a Constitutional convention to permit States to control guns as the Second Amendment now forbids.
Ray Epps ("Into the Capitol!") finally drew a charge - of disorderly/disruptive conduct in a restricted building, a misdemeanor.
A full-blown smear campaign has existed against Tim Ballard ever since he started fighting the pedophile network and is now accelerating.