Civics education became neglected when political discussions became so contentious that teachers feared to discuss how they are decided.
Kamala Harris might have moved on from calling Donald Trump a threat to democracy, but her allies have doubled down on it instead.
The author exposes the Environmental Law Institute’s project to file frivolous climate lawsuits to push policy outside of legislatures.
Pittsburgh attracted a left-leaning group of techies who in the end couldn't make their city work - and other Pennsylvania voters know it.
Pennsylvania voters, in deciding between two equally larger-than-life personalities, will ultimately decide on the issues.
Did two assassination attempts on Donald Trump nearly succeed by reason of criminal negligence - or an intentional act?
The High Frontier of space beckons as a high ground that American must defend, or else surrender to any of several hostile powers.
Does the lack of funny lines from political candidates indicate something wrong with American politics today?
A case for nonpartisan primaries or "jungle primaries," this one emphasizing that wealthy donor influence might be less, not greater.
The media (especially legacy media) are standing by underreported crime statistics to protect the Democratic Party in this election.