Amb. Calllista Gingrich describes the 2024 World Watch List of countries that actively persecute Christians today.
The Biden administration's moratorium on LNG projects harms the country and does nothing to curb aggregate emissions.
The Department of Defense lets unfounded scientific alarmism drive its climate policy, at the expense of military readiness.
President Biden's decision to halt liquefied natural gas export approvals represents more energy folly from this White House.
Missouri v. Biden, or Murthy v. Missouri, the great social-media censorship case, now comes to oral argument before a divided Court.
President Joe Biden has finally admitted a crisis at the southern border, something he earlier refused to admit.
Elite universities have received $45 billion in government contracts and tax breaks over the last five years.
California made its Independent Contractor Rule, now a federal standard, to the detriment of free-lance workers.
The Defense Department's report on China military power underestimates the military strength of China and the threat it poses.
Why is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) arming itself to the tune of $620,000 in guns and ammunition?