Human rights advocates are protesting the continued record of abuses in Nigeria with particular attention to freedom of religion.
In 1982, the U.S. Commerce Department spent $440,000 holding training sessions in three-star hotels. Another Golden Fleece.
British aircraft and pilots outclassed the USAF during the Cold War. A research fellow describes this in great detail.
Now every American has every reason to acknowledge that election fraud - both vote tampering and manipulation - decided the Election of 2020.
The U.S. defense industrial base is not the monster of popular imagination – nor adequate to supply the military for a great nation.
Two lawyers call for an end to the Internet censorship that characterized pre-Musk Twitter and other platforms undeer CISA et al.
The Saucon Valley school district paid $200,000 to settle a lawsuit by the Satanic Temple and allow a club that doesn't yet exist.
The founder of Pennsylania Families for Educational Choice decries the exclusion of cyber charter school students from extracurriculars.
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) is investigating a State Department program to promote atheism overseas, and might issue a subpoena.
The Maryland Healthe Department lost track of $1.4 billion in federal funds related to the COVID-19 epidemic.