Texas has won a Temporary Restraining Order to stop Border Patrol agents from cutting razor wire along the border to admit migrants.
Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu last night refused even to consider a ceasefire, and vowewd to fight the Fourth Arab-Israeli War to the finish.
Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and James Comer (R-Ky.) today began an investigation into yet another abusive prosecuting attorney.
Electric vehicles haven't lived up to the hype and would never sell without heavy subsidies. Voters should not support such a project.
Crime only increases under our lax system of justice – lax in law as well as its interpretation. God gave us rules to prevent crime.
Israel began a rolling invasion of Gaza yesterday, as the United Nations passed a ceasefire resolution but refused to condemn HAMAS.
Mike Johnson seeks an accounting of the $100 billion aid package for Israel and Ukraine. He should examine critically who is in the right.
Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), new Speaker of the House, rejected calls for gun control in the wake of a shooting spree in Lewiston, Maine.
The classic mistake of war is to open more than one front, and overextend your fighting strength. Biden threatens to do that today.
A note found on the body of a HAMAS soldier in the Negev instructs the reader to commit atrocities as a religious duty.