Barack H. Obama’s speech about the debt ceiling is a prize example of sophistry. But few have rebutted it properly. Herewith one attempt.
The House and Senate are still trying to deal with and on the debt ceiling. But even the Senate has moved to Obama’s right.
Operation Fast and Furious was bad enough for running guns into Mexico. We now learn that some of the “straw buyers” were felony convicts.
Barack H. Obama pretends to be reasonable about the national debt and debt ceiling. Last night the pretense failed.
The latest round of debt ceiling talks broke down this evening. Given Obama’s attitude, that is unavoidable—and only just.
Politicians and the media try to scare the public, and Congressional newcomers, into raising the debt ceiling with no real spending cuts. But the public might...
The Justice Department is still trying to cover up Operation Fast and Furious. Today two Members of Congress called them out on it.
A vote on HR 2560, the Cut Cap Balance Act of 2011, the most comprehensive plan to rein in the national debt, will take place tomorrow....
President Obama warned Congress not to call his “bluff” regarding his stance on the debt ceiling. Recently the Administration fought against those who oppose raising the...
Obama walked out of the debt ceiling talks yesterday, as Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s both threatened to downgrade US debt.