A week and a half ago, the Biden administration finished a sweeping revision, that they began two years ago, of rules for implementing Title IX of...
Whether Presidential Immunity is a Good Thing or a Bad Thing Shouldn’t Depend Upon Party Affiliation
Topline: The assistant city manager in Austin, Texas stopped working four months before his retirement but kept collecting his taxpayer salary anyway, netting $85,000 at the...
On a Friday night in March 2011, I stayed at an upscale W Hotel on Lexington Avenue in New York City for $124. That hotel later...
Addressing climate change requires transitioning to lower carbon energy sources. Well-designed regulation plays a critical role in accelerating this transition. But regulation with a high degree...
This morning, a lawyer for President Donald J. Trump argued his case for Presidential immunity before the U.S. Supreme Court. Trump could not attend; he is...
Topline: An instance of San Diego Unified school district spending a $3 million federal grant on employee bonuses instead of low-income students was just the start...
Ian Whitfield is a part time U.S. Army military police officer and a graduate student at Georgetown University. As a cop, he should know how dangerous...
An incident involving a physical attack by a female Secret Service agent tasked with protecting Vice President Kamala Harris is raising questions about whether the agency...
You know how the saying goes – if it’s not broken don’t fix it. But the state of Colorado is walking a thin line as it...