The question of whether the Constitution, as amended, grants birthright citizenship to absolutely any child born on U.S. soil (or in territorial waters or airspace) is...
President Donald Trump is surely preparing to reshape American institutions for a long time. He must, because his opponents tried to imprison him, then to kill...
Several states keep voter rolls in deplorable condition, and some refuse to publish them. Rolls that contain dead, moved-out, or otherwise ineligible voters, openly invite fraud.
President Trump can reduce the deficit faster by impounding federal funds. The Impoundment Control Act of 1974, which presumes to curtail his authority, is likely unconstitutional...
Donald Trump's executive order on birthright citizenship now has several injunctions against it - while a Member of Congress has introduced a statute setting limits on...
President Trump fired Hampton Dellinger, who was part of the corrupt Biden machine and in any case is a sole head of a prosecutorial, not a...
Revolution goes through eight stages: environment, suspicion, denial, evidence, outrage, suppression, revolt, and reconciliation. The civilizational populist revolution of Donald Trum,p has almost completed these stages.