This election should be the energy election, because America must choose between one who took choices away, and one who gives them back.
Equality, properly understood and Constitutionally pursued, will save the American experiment and restore civility.
The Heritage Foundation's Transition Integrity Project Game One begins with Mexican pressure on the U.S.-Mexican border.
The invention of gender-neutral pronouns serves to revive ancient (and still wrongheaded) ideas of androgyny and pantheism.
The Heritage Foundation just ran its own Transition Integrity Project to identify hazards to our republic in the Election of 2024.
The American left has attacked the Supreme Court in a manner without precedent: filing Articles of Impeachment against two sitting Justices.
“A pogrom,” the definition goes, “is an organized massacre of a people.” The events of October 7 in Israel are one example of a pogrom. 9/11...
Julian Assange struck a bad bargain for his freedom, pleading guilty to the very change The New York Times had vacated 53 years ago.
Call it the Red Vote. Every State, “red” or “blue,” has one – except maybe Massachusetts and Hawaii. They almost always live in rural or exurban...
The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons is challenging the gatekeeping popwer of medical specialty boards - in court.