The Republic stands for law, at least part of which must not change, to protect individual rights. The Democrats are hostile to all three.
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) proposes to remake the federal courts, and not merely the Supreme Court, in a Democratic Party approved image.
Is a Justice of the Supreme Court betraying that Court by sharing confidential information with a leftist legacy medium?
Federal prosecutors released one piece of evidence they didn't need to release to keep Trump's would-be assassin in lockup.
The author exposes the Environmental Law Institute’s project to file frivolous climate lawsuits to push policy outside of legislatures.
Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri scored an endorsement from the air and rail transport union through his concern for rail safety.
Gender equity produced a jackpot of a settlement from a sue-and-settle lawsuit by a prison inmate seeking taxpayer funding for "treatment."
The DOJ (Department of Justice) is violating political neutrality and many longstanding rules and procedures to pursue Donald Trump.
The experts have shown their expertise to be lacking, and laypeople resent their censorship. Now it's time to knock them off their thrones.
A Christian, preparing to vote in any election, must ask himself ten questions about any candidate for public office.