Did Donald Trump avoid yet another attempt on his life, when an alert officer found a bomb? Why are local police denying it?
Price controls never work as advertised, and those the government has placed on prescription medications have only raised their prices.
Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri scored an endorsement from the air and rail transport union through his concern for rail safety.
Gender equity produced a jackpot of a settlement from a sue-and-settle lawsuit by a prison inmate seeking taxpayer funding for "treatment."
The DOJ (Department of Justice) is violating political neutrality and many longstanding rules and procedures to pursue Donald Trump.
Kamala Harris made an ostensible pronouncement on energy independence, but that pronouncement does not follow logically.
Legacy media personalities say what Donald Trump said about Springfield, Ohio, provoked the second attempt on his life.
The Constitution was intended to reserve most governing powers to the States. A return to that maxim could cool national passions.
The nomination of Kamala Harris was not democracy, but perhaps that shouldn't be the goal anyway, if we listen to the Founders.
The Trump campaign, after yet another attempt to assassinate Trump, accuses his political opponents of trying to kill him.