Still at the top of the news is the dishonest ad put up by Barack Obama’s super PAC which implied that Mitt Romney was indirectly responsible...
A plethora of incredibly hard to believe events takes place in America almost every day. Some are unexpected. Many are quite persistent like the nearly 1200...
A good way to know whether to trust someone is to look at their past behavior. When lawyers examine a potentially harmful witness in court, they...
Representative Paul Ryan first introduced the Ryan budget plan in 2008. This year, the House passed a version of it. Now he has a new version...
Savage political campaigns and often more-savage scenes in the halls of Congress have been part of American history since the War for Independence ended. Compared to...
Polls look worse for the campaign of Barack H. Obama with every passing week. But now, many Americans are afraid that Obama, quite simply, will not...
Last week, L. Gordon Crovitz showed that the putative President when too far when he said, “You didn’t build that!” Specifically, Barack H. Obama described the...
More than a week ago, Barack Obama flew his true color: red. He told private business leaders that they could never have built their businesses or...
A venal Senator, seeking to put his name on as many public monuments as possible, is bad enough. The United States Senate is full of that...
On Friday, July 20, 2012, the mass media yet again set aside all other reporting to report on one event. At about 12:30 a.m., in Aurora,...