Yesterday Doctor (and Army Ranger veteran) Mark Green withdrew his nomination to be Secretary of the Army. He cited “false attacks” on his Christian beliefs, and...
The phenomenon of college professors inciting students to vehemently and violently protest against Mr. Donald Trump’s election as President of the United States should be understood...
On 27 October 2016, controllers for the New Horizons deep-space mission achieved a milestone. They got back the last data from their spacecraft’s flyby of the...
Two hundred years ago, modern humans rediscovered a class of animals that dwarfed all other animals they knew. Those who found their remains, called these animals...
Creation, or young-earth creation, is not the only position to contradict atheistic evolution. Old-earth creation offers an alternative. Any Biblical apologist must deal with it. That...
So Rafi Letzter, writing in Business Insider, wonders “why so many smart people don’t believe in evolution.” He rightly questions a study suggesting if you’re smart,...
Christendom, and the world generally, face a crisis. People must now decide whose authority will govern their thinking. This applies equally to how they live to...
Astronomers and astrophysicists are revealing with increasing frequency the compatibility of the Torah with the most recent discoveries in science. A recent article in one of...
As people of faith reflect on the miracle of the Christ child and His resurrection, churches can expect unusually high attendance on Christmas and Easter. However,...
Evolutionists attack Christians all the time. Why? Because they have a problem with moral authority they cannot solve.