The American electorate has a religious divide, between those who adhere to religion and those who disrespect it, and its adherents.
To find the conspiracy theory that didn’t pan out, is an order of magnitude harder than to find the conspiracies that now stand exposed.
Americans have nowhere else to go, except to their knees in prayer. Two retired military chaplains describe their "prayer post."
God speaks plainly to His followers, in a Voice they know, as sheep know the voice of their shepherd. Christians should heed no others.
When religion and science agree, a people can derive maximum benefit from both - but in Christian countries they are in needless conflict.
The Sons of Liberty celebrates its documentary on church complicity in tyranny in America, winner of two Christian Media awards.
Kamala Harris must pretend to support Israel when in fact she and her progressive base most emphatically do not.
The Supreme Court will soon have to rule on whether religious charter schools are constitutional or unconstitutional.
If the world and especially the United States is confused, that’s the result of turning away from God, Who is not the Author of confusion.
The American Church has overlooked a very close missions field: illegal and “temporarily protected” aliens, like the Springfield Haitians!