The Casey Anthony case reveals the monumental hypocrisy of a society that decries the death of one child but condones the deaths of millions. Those deaths...
In a news conference today, a reporter asked President Obama about whether he supported same-sex marriage. He said that DOMA (the federal Defense of Marriage Act)...
NBC-TV tried to revise the Pledge of Allegiance yesterday. This kind of revisionism is now all too typical. How does the Pledge of Allegiance read? Francis...
Michele Bachmann has taken criticism for saying that some Nobel Prize winners doubt atheistic evolution. She has better support than some people think. What exactly did...
Is it global warming? Or are Bible prophecies coming true? Actually, they have more in common than you might think. How does global warming cause bad...
Does Israel have oil? The very phrase Israel’s oil could change the game in the Middle East—and provoke all-out war. Could Israel really have oil? The...
Israeli archaeologists have discovered a Byzantine-era public building, probably a church, in Acco, or Acre, in northern Israel. This latest find proves that Acco was an...
Yale will soon disband its scholarly anti-Semitism program. This happened because Jews are divided, but Muslims are not. The Yale anti-Semitism program In 2006, Yale University...
The age of the earth is an important point in the creation-evolution debate. The answer might surprise you. Why is the age of the earth so...
The starlight and time riddle is another stumbling block to Biblical faith. But if you apply Einstein’s famous equations consistently, it need not be. The starlight...