Social justice is not justice, but a travesty thereof. It is a means to control, not to prosperity or even to civilized discourse.
Education in America is badly flawed, and by design. From distortion of Middle East history to dumbing-down of our children, the intent is clear.
Planned Parenthood has been running a humanitarian hoax since its founding. But since it threw in with the UN globalist crowd, it's gotten worse.
Children have been targets of authoritarian manipulators for thousands of years. Today that attack gains steam, in class and on the battlefield.
Black-only college graduations promote racial tension where none need exist. This is the motive of the political left, to promote anger, hence revolution.
The benediction at Baylor University's commencement was anything but a well-wishing. It turned into a socialist screed without foundation in Scripture.
College in America today is the most overrated and expensive benefit a government can grant. Is college actually worth four years? How to tell.
Pearson PLC now owns or controls most textbooks and digital content in use in American schools. Person has a dangerous, globalist, anti-American agenda.
Muslims now have a devout adherent, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), talking to students with neither parents nor press present.
Political correctness has indeed changed what schools, especially public schools, teach the children in their charge. And it has changed it for the worse.