The junk food industry is already preparing to fight the confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Abortion, as a political stance, cannot win as successive generations turn pro-life - and already its victories are illusory.
The head of Job Creators USA describes how his team listened to Hispanics and crafted a message to address their concerns.
Democrats ran a flawed candidate on a platform with which more than half the country vehemently disagreed, and simply won’t admit it.
Linda Goudsmit discusses her new book, Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is, which describes the War on America.
Texas will not turn blue any time soon, so long as Democrats stick to an orthodoxy that goes against Texas concerns and values.
Reviewing Toxic Empathy (2024), about the willful exploitation of compassion for ignoble ends having nothing to do with compassion
Republicans, if they work hard, can make gains in heavily Democratic Philadelphia, which Democrats too long took for granted.
The American left will consign itself to demographic winter with their childless preference. Or do they plan to enforce that on everyone else?
Vote for Kamala Harris just because she’s a woman? She cares too little for actual women suffering rape and murder to merit that.