Within hours of the inaugural speech by Barack Obama, varying opinions fell like a hard rain in the jungle.
A local hot dog guy in Lansing, MI is the new face of innocence in the Michigan labor riots. When goons took down a tent with...
Hurricane Sandy did damage, and a lot of it, to a part of the country that normally doesn’t see hurricane damage. And now it might change...
Hurricane Sandy shows that central relief plans often fail, and personal, household, and neighborhood efforts, when people make them, work best of all.
Any normal school student could research and find the heart of the Lincoln administration and of Abraham Lincoln himself, in very short time. Discovering Lincoln’s sole...
Tomorrow is the eleventh anniversary of 9/11. Uncannily, this anniversary falls on the same day of the week, in the eleventh year. (Numerologists should have a...
Few stories have managed to jump off the page and grip the heart and the better sensibilities of this writer as much as the recently released...
An entire generation is primed and prepped to reach the level of liberalism that prevails in our nation today. Many youth don’t even know who our...
Barack Obama’s “Julia” is the perfect symbol for liberals: a woman who depends on government as husband, father, and caretaker. Even if government really works that...
In the Ayn Rand world, government would fund science work only for military projects. Ayn Rand herself said so, even as she praised Apollo XI. But...