In the latest scandal at the Secret Service, an agent stands accused of sexual assault against a Vice-Presidential aide.
Kamala Harris has the impossible task of pretending to be the centrist she's not, when everyone knows she's not.
Federal prosecutors released one piece of evidence they didn't need to release to keep Trump's would-be assassin in lockup.
Independent voters have one value only: they think Parties are political machines. Someone must educate them as to the importance of ideas.
Euphemisms are good-sounding words for thoroughly evil concepts, like calling surgical mutilation and hormonal poisoning “affirmation.”
Republican activists in Virginia need to put down the black pill of defeatism and realize their State is in play.
The real threat to the republic is the indifference of public officials, media personalities, and even some citizens to Trump's near-killing.
Kamala Harris might have moved on from calling Donald Trump a threat to democracy, but her allies have doubled down on it instead.
Pittsburgh attracted a left-leaning group of techies who in the end couldn't make their city work - and other Pennsylvania voters know it.
Pennsylvania voters, in deciding between two equally larger-than-life personalities, will ultimately decide on the issues.