Many in Central Asia must rely on traditional energy (wood, lump coal, or unmentionables) that is mis-labeled as renewable energy.
Immigration has become a battlefront for American civilization, as President Donald Trump plans deportations, and Democrats resist him.
The Congressional Budget Office has lowered its projections for American population growth and predicts natural decline.
American populism might alarm the elite but need not alarm anyone else, because the elite have only themselves to blame.
Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.) pretends to be nobly standing up for women in his hypocritical attack on Pete Hegseth.
The head of GOPAC gives his endorsement of Chris Wright for the post of Secretary of Energy, calling him an advocate for humanity.
The pardon for Anthony S. Fauci means only that he cannot face criminal charges, and won't stop Congress from further exposing him.
Iran is suffering a crippling energy crisis, largely of its own making and not due to sanctions, and they have no quick fix.
The Syria Civil War, now concluded, is not our fight, and the U.S. can best serve itself by getting out now.
Trump Derangement Syndrome can take the subtle form of accepting uncritically the narrative about Trump's personality.