It’s easy to accuse conservatives of negativity about the country today. It isn’t so easy to tell a negative truth.
Fascism – an authoritarian system of government under absolute control of a single dictator, allowing no political opposition, forcibly suppressing dissent, and rigidly controlling most industrial...
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 11th day of February in the year of our Lord 2022. Today I...
Is totalitarianism coming to the United States? When DHS releases a terror threat list of internal, not external, enemies, one must wonder.
DC Comics’ sodomite Superman comic book bombs, and the Boy Scouts still won't compensate victims of its wrongheaded policies.
Karl Marx’ call for workers of the world to unite against evil capitalists has echoed through the decades. By 1914, socialists were certain WWI would mark...
President Macron actually said he considers the unvaccinated non-citizens of his country. As he will soon learn, oppression can’t last forever.
The elites, seeing the COVID narrative unravel, now have teed up war fever as their next excuse. Freedom loving people must oppose it.
Thomson Reuters describes itself as “the world’s leading source of news and information for professional markets.” Their Trust Principles were, “designed to preserve Thomson Reuters independence,...
Those aren’t white supremacists looting stores, or getting flown and bused all over the country after entering it illegally.