Unacceptable views
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 11th day of February in the year of our Lord 2022. Today I will be talking about the Canadian Truckers Protest, specifically from the standpoint of how the leadership of Canada reacts to people who disagree. I realize that I am late to this party, but I still would like to put in my two cents worth on the topic.
Personal disclaimer
The Castle Report was off the air last Friday because of Joan’s illness, so I appreciate all the prayers and well wishes you sent my way. She is doing much better now that she is two weeks into the Covid symptoms. She is basically just very tired, but she hopes to return to work next Monday and after 44 years of marriage I am very grateful for the old girl and what she has meant to my life.
The Canadian Truckers protest (Freedom Convoy 2022)
You probably all know the story of the Canadian Truckers by now, and I’m sure you have seen the videos of thousands of trucks lining the highway for 50 miles all rolling into the capitol city of Ottawa. The truckers decided to protest vaccine mandates that were affecting their ability to work and feed their families. The mandates were also imposed by the United States, not just the Canadian government, The difference is that the US mandates, imposed by the Biden administration, restricted the Canadiens from crossing into the US and the Canadian mandate restricted their ability to work at all.
To recap what happened and is still happening: tens of thousands of truckers from all across Canada, in the dead of a Canadian winter, stopped their work, formed into a convoy, and headed to Ottawa. These men and women are just common people like you and me. They are not at all like the gilded ruling elite that claims Prime Minister Justin Trudeau among its members. If you wonder what a common man is go to the Castle Report Index and scroll down to June 19, 2020, and listen to my report entitled Century of the Common Man.
Trudeau refuses to meet them even halfway
Did Prime Minister Trudeau talk to them, provide food, water, and fuel to them, or even mention that they were deserving of any respect? No, he did none of those things, but what he did do was refuse to meet with them at all. He said they were an insult to memory and truth. He was apparently so confident that tyranny had completely displaced truth and he was therefore free to libel and defame any Canadian with different views. Indeed he said that unvaccinated Canadians were extremists, misogynists, and racists.
He apparently thought that he could continue defaming anyone he disagreed with as the truckers began their convoy. They were just a small fringe minority, he said who hold unacceptable views. Does that term make your blood boil as it does mine and like I’m sure it did the truckers. They are still in Ottawa and say they will be there for the duration. The Ottawa police have basically declared them to be terrorists and have stolen, oh I mean confiscated their property. Friendly people try to supply them with food and have even set up a community kitchen. The police take their fuel whenever they can get their hands on it. They arrest innocent citizens doing nothing but standing by to voice their support.
Editor’s Note
According to this influencer, after a judge ordered the police to return the fuel, they did – diluted 1:1 with water.
Trudeau hides from the people
What of the Prime Minister, well he has disappeared since making his opening statement? I guess he is hiding in his safe house, so he won’t be forced to actually speak to real Canadians. He knows that freedom can triumph over tyranny if enough people demand it. As Ron Paul used to say, no army can stop an idea whose time has come. Even Elon Musk jumped in the debate when he tweeted, “It would appear that the so-called fringe minority is actually the government”.
These events are an indication that the mandates are not about health or safety at all, but instead they are about control. You will obey, our elite rulers tell us, obey, or suffer the consequences. These truckers have decided to take the consequences rather than surrender like sheep in passivity.
His father’s son
So, who is this man, Justin Trudeau and what are his qualifications to hold the office of Prime Minister of Canada? Other than the fact that he was elected by a majority of Canadian voters he has only one qualification and that is that he is the son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Pierre was of military age during World War ll but declined to serve. He built his fortune and his political career at home while Canadians were dying on the battlefields of Europe.
Pierre was apparently a devout communist and never met or even heard of a murderous, dictator he didn’t love. Pierre went to the Soviet Union to participate in the great achievements of Joseph Stalin. He wrote glowing praise of Mao’s regime in China. He had a friendship relationship with Castro and visited with him in Cuba. Some of the praise he heaped on Stalin was of new Russian cities built from the rubble of the great war, but he never mentioned the many thousands of slaves who died building those cities.
Justin throws off on the Canadian Truckers
Justin, at least to me, seems to have nothing to recommend him to Canadians except he follows in his father’s communist footsteps. What, I wonder, is his own merit or his own achievement? He has no scholarly achievement, no publications to his name, no business experience, but he is an accepted legacy, member of the global ruling elite and therefore protected. For example, as a young man he often appeared in blackface and sang the Harry Belafonte classic, The Banana Boat Song. He now says he considers that racist but no resignation, and no groveling apology. He is also free to call the truckers racists because one truck flew a Confederate flag.
Canadian truckers – Solidarity all over again
Back to the present, and the truckers who have had just about enough of Justin Trudeau. When the working people of Canada come to the end of their rope and take to the streets in a peaceful, even respectful protest, the Prime Minister of a once great nation smears them with lies. The police threaten them with false arrest and steal their property. The police in Ottawa would most likely arrest them, except for the fear of public outrage. The people of Canada seem overwhelmingly in support of the truckers. For instance, when a police order went out to tow the trucks, not a single towing company in Canada would do it and the police have no such tow trucks.
The truckers, to me, are today’s version of the ship workers of Gdansk, Poland in 1980. Come to think of it that explains Pierre Trudeau’s disdain for Poland and especially the Solidarity Movement. He chose the Soviets over Poles risking their lives for freedom. This is also reminiscent of Gandhi’s popular uprising that drove the British army out of India. The truckers are conducting a peaceful protest and work stoppage just as Gandhi did in India. In a famous quote from Gandhi when the commanding British general asked, “surely Mr. Gandhi you don’t expect us to just march out of India.” Gandhi replied,
That’s exactly what I expect, and you will march out because 150,000 British cannot control 350,000,000 Indians without their consent, and you shall not have their consent.
Popular sympathy lies with the convoy
Today we can see a similar pattern, but in some ways a reverse pattern. Instead of popular uprisings around the world against the elite as the common people tried to accomplish with Trump but failed, we see a gilded, aristocratic, elite conspiring to put down populist uprisings around the world and, in effect, enact a coup against the common people by using an engineered covid panic as an excuse to put down resistance and tell us all, you will obey us. The West has been moving this direction for many years with the people voting, but otherwise, passive like sheep. They count on change at the ballot box, but change avoids them.
The process, well underway already, was greatly aided by the so-called covid pandemic, but despite that, this time around, the people of the world are coming forward to support the truckers. Politicians in the US and in other western nations make speeches and hit social media in support of them. For our Catholic friends Archbishop Carlo Mario Vigano wrote a powerful letter in support of them. Vigano as you probably know is persona non grata among the catholic elite because he disagreed with the pope on the subject of pedophile priests. I quote briefly now from the archbishop’s letter.
The archbishop’s letter
Your protest, dear Canadian truck driver friends, joins a worldwide chorus that wants to oppose the establishment of the New World Order on the rubble of nation states, through the Great Reset desired by the World Economic Forum and by the United Nations under the name of Agenda 2030. And we know that many heads of government have participated in Klaus Schwab’s School for Young Leaders—the so-called Global Leaders for Tomorrow—beginning with Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron, Jacinta Ardern and Boris Johnson, and before that Angela Merkel, Nicholas Sarkozy and Tony Blair.
People of Canada, do you support the Canadian truckers? Yes.
For this report I’m more interested in the views of the non-elite. Those people who work to feed their families each day. What do they think? Do they support their junior communist Prime Minister, or could they possibly hold unacceptable views similar to the truckers? Go Fund Me recorded 10,000,000 in gifts to the truckers from the non-elite across the world. GoFundMe was so concerned about the unacceptable views of the recipients that they tried to steal the money. International outrage forced them to return the money to the donors, but they would not give it to the truckers.
Another site whose name escapes me right now said that it would be glad to accept donations for the truckers and so far, has raised in excess of 4.000,000. That money will buy a lot of fuel and food and will allow them to stay in Ottawa for a while. Canadian officials are not excited about the donations from working people across the globe going to their enemies. Responding to voices of support like Donald Trump and Republican politicians, Canada’s public safety minister, Marco Mendocino said, “We’re Canadian. We have our own set of laws. We will follow them.”
Americans will investigate
Florida governor Ron DeSantis and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton tweeted that their states would investigate GoFundMe after that platform refused to give the truckers their money. I suppose the truckers’ views were unacceptable and that justified an elite company’s theft or at least breach of trust and contract. The Canadian safety minister explained to the rude Americans that Canada had its own laws, and they should basically just shut up and mind their own business.
And yet the Ontario Superior Court of Justice presumes to freeze donations from an alternative platform.
Furthermore, this same Public Safety Minister threatens to prosecute American donors on American soil. But GiveSendGo, the alternative platform, says in effect, “Oh, yeah!? Well, we’ll see about that!”
Is this only the beginning?
In conclusion, any justification for the vaccine mandates has passed as more and more nations Provinces and States abandon them. For Trudeau to abandon them would be an embarrassing loss of face and of control and would bruise his fragile ego. The ruling elite are parasitic. They produce nothing and add no value, and they will permit no dialogue because they hate and fear the dialogue that liberates. Perhaps worse for the rest of us is that those around the rulers whether Prime Minister, President, or Dictator, know what the ruler wants and how he sees the rest of us and so they find a way to make all information reflect those views. If he wants a lockdown even though it makes no sense and is harmful, his revered doctors and scientists will spin information to make his idea look good.
Finally, Folks, is this the start of a worldwide movement where we will see trucker convoys across the world and the tyrannical elite eventually forced from power or at least concede some freedom to the non-elite? I pray that it is so, and I pray that the God who delivered David from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver these truckers from the paw of the tyrannical Philistine ruler who has such a monopoly on the only acceptable views.
At least that’s the way I see it.
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle.
From castlereport.us, appears by permission.
Darrell Castle is an attorney in Memphis, Tennessee, a former USMC Combat Officer, 2008 Vice Presidential nominee, and 2016 Presidential nominee. Darrell gives his unique analysis of current national and international events from a historical and constitutional perspective. You can subscribe to Darrell's weekly podcast at castlereport.us
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[…] Nominal father Pierre, and […]